
If you want to exchange an item with us, you can easily go online and order the new item or size with us, and we will ship it as fast as possible.

After ordering the new item, you can now return the original item. Remember to enclose a copy of your order slip (return note).

When we receive the item you are returning, we will refund the amount of this item to your account.

Questions about product exchanges?

Simply exchange the item as you would for a ‘normal’ exchange. 

- Add the desired item from the set in the new size to the shopping basket.

- Complete the order in the same way as your first purchase.

You will initially pay the ‘full’ price for this item. However, this will be cancelled out as soon as we receive the first item back. We will then refund you the corresponding amount.

We offer a 14-day right of return. This means that you also have 14 days to return the items, as you must return the items in connection with the exchange.

If you follow the exchange procedure described on this page, we will send your new items as soon as we receive the original items. 

We have extended the return deadline for Christmas presents bought in the period from the 15th of November until the 23rd of Decembe. These orders can be returned or exchanged until the 5th of January.

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